So on the 2nd night there we had a new moon which means that there is very little light in the sky which allows the stars to shine bright. So I went to set up my gear for a star trails shot and then I realized that I didn't pack my tripod...That is almost as important as bringing the camera when doing star trails. So I figured what the hell and rested the camera on the rail of the deck over looking the ocean. The wind was blowing pretty hard that night so I actually ended up taping the camera to the rail to make sure it didn't fall off, which would of been bad because its at least a 30 foot drop off of the deck.
Below is the photo that I ended up with. The lights to the right are small planes that were flying over the ocean for the hour that this shot took to complete.

So let me know what you think. Hopefully I'll be updating this more often now that spring/summer is here and I'll being out shooting more.
Until next time...